
Structure & Focus

⦁ Class size 10-30 students per workshop
⦁ Focus on trauma and healing
⦁ Continuation Schools
⦁ Community Centers
⦁ Re-entry Homes
⦁ Foster Homes – Reaching back to the community

Vulnerable Populations

⦁ Underclass
⦁ Underprivileged
⦁ Socioeconomically disadvantaged
⦁ Highschool drop-outs
⦁ Youth with mal-adaptive behaviors
⦁ Ethnically diverse minorities
⦁ Multicultural communities
⦁ Juvenile offenders
⦁ Foster care youth
⦁ Individuals suffering from comorbid conditions 

Provide Service to Underserved Communities

⦁ Provide youth intervention via the four proposed workshops i.e.:
⦁ Self-esteem building/ Gang intervention
⦁ Creative writing/ self- biographies of past, present and future
⦁ Parents and youth at risk workshops
⦁ Power Source Program for at risk youth
⦁ Provide Monthly Special Events & Outings:
⦁ At –Risk Youth Prison Tour
⦁ Annual and quarterly retreats
⦁ Social gathering (food and refreshments included)
⦁ Movies
⦁ Bowling
⦁ Sports 

SAR facilitators and leadership training workshop, this training was designed to teach participants skills and facilitation, team building, communication, public speaking , emotional literacy, to identify and heal from traumatic experiences to have empathy and reflective listening, identifying destructive group character, and childhood patterns learning and teaching styles, leadership styles, facilitating a group meeting, the art of creating visuals, and applying the philosophy, resolving conflict within the group and facilitator theory practice.

“ Daniel Silva, who spent 39 years in prison leads a weekly workshop at the California Medical Facility. Silva, 60 was released in 2015 and is now off parole. He is the Founder of Self Awareness and Recovery and developed the curriculum program while in prison.”

The S. A.R program’s goals

⦁ Expansion to other cities
⦁ Rural communities
⦁ Educating at risk-youth to stay in schools and out of prisons
⦁ Find root causes of delinquent behavior
⦁ Shape our youth to be productive members of society
⦁ Preventing program not reactive program for youth
⦁ Community awareness through life experiences of people who lived the destructive life